America’s Electric Cooperatives PAC

A Unified Voice for Advocacy Issues

America’s Electric Cooperatives PAC is a political action committee for electric cooperative member-consumers, directors and employees who support safe, reliable, affordable energy. Together, we advocate for responsible energy policies that positively impact our co-ops, communities and quality of life.

Contributions to America’s Electric Cooperative PAC are NOT tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. All contributions to America’s Electric Cooperative PAC are voluntary and will be used for political purposes. Contribution guidelines are suggestions only, you may contribute more or less than the recommended amount, or not at all. You may refuse to contribute without reprisal. Contributions may be stopped at any time upon notification to the cooperative. America’s Electric Cooperative PAC qualifies as a multi-candidate committee and has been registered with the Federal Election Commission. A copy of our monthly report is filed with the Federal Election Commission and is available to the public at America’s Electric Cooperative PAC is a bipartisan political action committee, supporting candidates based solely on their record and support for electric cooperative issues, regardless of political party affiliation.