This is the second in a 6-course series that will be completed over a 3-year period. Each participant is committing to the full 6-course series. There is a $150 registration fee for each session to help cover incidentals. Enrollment is limited for this premium workshop series, register today!
- Dynamics of an “Organizational Safety Culture”
- Roles, responsibility and accountability in the safety process
- Safety performance measurements
- Proactive vs. reactive safety
- Hazard identification methods and abatement strategies
- Tools for compliance, excellence and employee involvement

[tagline_box link=”http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=z7azmveab&oeidk=a07e9pwfl4hf0185d93″ button=”Register” title=”Nov. 3-4″ description=”Boyne Mountain Resort, Boyne Falls”][/fusion_tagline_box]Call 1-800-462-6963 or click here for accommodations at Boyne Mountain Resort. Ask for Michigan Electric Cooperative Association rate ($129/night +tax). Reservations must be made by Oct. 3, 2014.
[tagline_box link=”http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=z7azmveab&oeidk=a07e9pwhc7t163bcedb” button=”Register” title=”Nov. 5-6″ description=”Holiday Inn & Conference Center, Big Rapids”][/fusion_tagline_box]Call 1-800-315-2621 for accommodations at Holiday Inn Big Rapids. Ask for Michigan Electric Cooperative Association rate ($89/night +tax). Reservations must be made by Oct. 3, 2014.