
This interactive training workshop is designed to develop co-op leaders. Topics covered in this session include:

Mission-driven leadership enables the co-op to focus on core responsibilities to the membership. Participants will focus on various aspects of mission-driven leadership, and develop leadership attributes that enhance their own effectiveness.
Strategic planning is what enables our co-ops to set priorities, focus energy and resources, strengthen operations, ensure employees are working toward common goals, and assess/adjust direction in response to a changing environment. Participants will be introduced to the strategic planning process and a broader organizational perspective.
Leadership roles require a different level of communication skills and professionalism. Participants will gain an advanced understanding of acceptable workplace appearance, communication etiquette, basic time-management skills, and behaviors that are better left to social relationships.



singletaryOur instructor, Bryan Singletary, is president of Practical Energies, Inc. Bryan is a leading industry consultant, specializing in employee development, succession planning, key accounts management and customer service.

Details & Registration

DATE: Aug: 4-5, 2016
LOCATION: Cadillac, MI
FACILITY: Wolverine Power

Call 231-775-9947 or click here for accommodations at Evergreen Resort in Cadillac. Ask for the MECA room block ($75/night +tax). Reservations must be made by July 22, 2016.