Michigan electric co-ops will gather in Grand Rapids, March 30-April 2, for director training, the MECA and Wolverine Power Cooperative annual meetings, and the Power Supply Symposium.
Events kickoff on March 30 at Noon with NRECA’s newest Board Leadership Course (BLC) on “Board Succession Planning.”
The MECA annual and board of directors meetings will be held March 31, where members will be asked to approve proposed changes to the association’s bylaws that were previously endorsed by the board.
The MECA Communicators Group will also hold their spring conference March 30-31, when Jim Bausell will discuss NRECA’s new strategic communications direction and hold an open dialog with co-op communicators.
Symposium sessions on April 1 will include Vern Dosch, CEO of the National Information Solutions Cooperative (NISC), who will speak on how co-ops need to lead with their unique culture in the hiring process. The day concludes with the Wolverine annual meeting and a reception/social at VanAndel Arena with the Grand Rapids Griffins Hockey game.
Conclusion happens on April 2 with MECA’s ACRE breakfast, with Rep. Jon Bumstead as the speaker. Later that morning, MECA members will hear from Valerie Brader, Gov. Snyder’s top energy policy advisor, and an update from HomeWorks CEO Mark Kappler on Michigan’s involvement in the NRECA International Program.
Contact Dawn Coon at dcoon@meca.coop or visit meca.coop for registration information.